The running dialogue requires dialogue in order to keep the dialogue running. 



Tobias: All right ready? 

Chloe: Yeah. I’m ready. Hello. Am I just talking?

There are all, this is what I’ve gathered here. I think the earliest one is this one from first grade. It’s kind of falling apart. That’s my cat dandy [on the cover] Very, very pink, and colorful. And this was my first grade journal. Here we have my 2009 entry, just all my thoughts as a first grade girl.

And then we move up through the years, these are kind of combinations of journals and sketchbooks, this was 5th grade, “The Book of Chloe” there is a bunch of stuff in here, “I don’t like you math,” “Ikea for mother’s day,” “Swim team is too hard” I said. Lots of thoughts in there.

Chloe’s diary 2012 to 2013. I started transitioning from just writing to writing and drawing, and then there are some that are just drawing. 

This is from freshman year of high school, 2018. Bunch of random stuff. Oh my god I drew juice wrld! That was crazy.

Then I transitioned to college and that is where these black bound books come in. There are four of them for each year. As you can see I found my style to stick too because all of these journals are very different, big ones, small ones, different bindings and stuff. I settled on this plain black blank page journal, and this is where I started to find my style of how I want to keep journals. There is a combination of drawing and notes in here, a lot of collaging. I like to just tape random stuff in here and kind of let it be. I feel like the fatter the notebook is when it is finished the more satisfying it is. 

I also learned that I think it is really important to write every thought down. If you don’t have your journal with you like write it down somewhere and put it in later. Everyday you find yourself in conversation, you say oh that’s really cool I’m going to think about that later, but most of those thoughts leave your brain if you don’t record it. This is just an arsenal of all my thoughts from first grade to now, and I’ve been able to utilize them on a day to day basis.



Tobias: Alex what are we looking at right now?

Alex: Right now you’re looking at probably most of my most important thoughts of the last three or four years. A lot of my thoughts or just random things, a friend gave me a card for pride and i wrote about it. A lot of it is my writing but also I like to do collage elements. 

The biggest piece of advice or thing id say to people who are learning to sketch or interested in the idea of a sketchbook is the idea that there is no such thing as a precious page. I will just rip through pages sometimes, and not be worried about wasting it and realizing you still have all these other pages. Really giving yourself the time and energy to draw great things.

It is also really important to actually commit yourself to the drawings you’re doing. A lot of the time when I am doing sketches you reach a point where it is really easy to stop. But if you take the time to keep drawing you can achieve some really great things. And I think that your phone is poison. 

The sketchbook is a great place to get your ideas out. These are all my thoughts and my sketchbooks. Start a sketchbook, everyone should start a sketchbook, I love sketchbooks!

Alex is a student at Syracuse University studying architecture


Coexisting with stuff
One with the stuff
Stuff as an extension of 


Finished On Architecture and Greenwashing

“There is a kind of love called maintainance” p.41

“when you’ve finished washing and dressing each morning, you must tend to your planet.”

Take care of yourself as you would your surroudings, as well as aknowledging the amount of work necessary for upkeep. The importance, care, and work required in maintainance.

On the same day I bought the book I saw White Marble Everyday at The Art Institute in Chicago, which shows the everyday maintaince of a government building in Brasilia. Notions of maintaince in the context of the utopian ideals of brasilia, and the massive amount of upkeep required to propetuate the idealized. V interesting.



Looking to explore notebooks
Individual perspectives represented and contained within the notebook

How do people design or structure their notebooks?