4. Exhibit

This fourth post is about community engagement

“It has become commonplace to talk of a globalized art world, in which specific discourses, commodities, and individuals seemingly circulate endlessly, and even to speak of contemporary art and curatorial projects as drivers of globalization. This universalization of what art is, or can be, and where and how it manifests itself, is often presumed to be an unstoppable process at the cost of local traditions and any sense of locality and embeddedness. But what exactly does it mean to be global, or to be local in the context of artistic, curatorial, and theoretical knowledge and practice?”


at the Graham Foundaton booksale

Eleven years ago today in Los Angeles, the HVW8 Gallery hosted CORRESPONDENCE, by JJJJound founder Justin R. Saunders. This art show takes Justin’s online blog of collected and currated images and puts them into a physical space.

For context before continuing, please read:

June 7th - July 7th, 2013

and/or watch:

JJJJound 'Correspondence' at HVW8 Gallery

I propose an art show. Maybe it’s just an event that brings people together. Maybe it’s just called art show.

CORRESPONDENCE takes JJJJound’s globally accessible blog and makes it a local one. I love the internet but its too much to handle sometimes. I’m becoming desensitized to great ideas because all of a sudden I see so many! I can’t slow down!

To localize is an opportunity to slow down, to focus. To experience a piece of art or idea in a physical context.

If you are reading this, then I hope you have thoughts and ideas to share. If you disagree with me or think that I am missing a point or The point, lmk.


This post was originally published on June 30th 2024